

  • 高通是全球知名智能品牌,智能设备与方案专家,专注于“智能设备与方案”在商业智能领域的......
  • Gemalto is at the heart of our evolving digital society. We give billions of people the security to make the most of their digital lifes......
  • 国兴电工股份有限公司(GOOD SKY ELECTRIC CO., LTD.) 为一专业之机械式继电器制造商,成立于1989年,以自有品......
  • 广东风华高新科技股份有限公司(以下简称“风华高科”) 于1996年11月29日在深圳证券交易所挂......
  • Semtech Acquired Gennum Corporation on March 20, 2012 As part of the acquisition, all Gennum.com product, applications, and contact inf......
  • 深圳市联泰兴电子科技有限公司(GROUP-TEK)创建于1993年,是国内最早集研发、生产、销售为一体,专业生......
  • GMT

    Founded in 1996.GMT created analog ic design dedicated power solution.Our R&D,Production,Quality Assurance and Marketing teams with ......
  • 浙江固驰电子有限公司创办于1995年,专业生产半导体器件,经过多年拼搏、创新,现已发展成为集科研......
  • Genesis Microchip Inc. was a supplier of integrated circuits (ICs) for video processors in flat panel LCD TVs and Monitors. Founded in 1......
  • GE

    GE is building the world by providing capital, expertise and infrastructure for a global economy. GE Capital has provided billions in fi......
  • 創惟科技之主要業務為積體電路、電腦週邊設備及相關產品之設計、製造、測試與銷售,提供消費性電......
  • GSI

    GSI Technology designs, develops and markets a broad range of high performance memory products for networking, military, medical, automo......
  • XK

  • 深圳市汇顶科技股份有限公司,是全球领先的单层多点电容式触控芯片解决方案供应商,公司致力于通......
  • Grayhill Inc Since founding in 1943, Grayhill has been committed to providing top-quality human interface solutions for a wide range of ......
  • 兆易创新(GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc.),成立于2005年,是一家专注于各类高速和低功耗存储器及相关芯片......
  • GE Critical Powerenables rapidly changing, disruptive markets where massive data, communications and computing capacity is redefining ho......
  • GaN Systems提供多种氮化镓高功率晶体管,适用于消费性产品、数据中心、工业与运输功率转换应用。 这......
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