由于客户采购批量与样品的价格不同,网上无法统一注明,请您把采购型号通过邮件或客服QQ:2850151585 发给我们,也可以拨打明佳达国内销售部电话:0755-83957301,由客服人员为您报价;有时元件厂商价格稍许变动,本公司未能及时调整,如您觉得售价稍高,请与我们说明并适当议价;感谢支持.
ADSP-BF524还提供灵活的外设以配合它的高性能处理能力。HS USB OTG主机直接存储器存取(HDMA)和NAND闪存控制器只是ADSP-BF524系列产品所拥有外设选择的少数几个例子,事实上它们还具有多达48个GPIO引脚。
Up to 600 MHz high performance Blackfin processor
Two 16-bit MACs, two 40-bit ALUs, four 8-bit video ALUs,
40-bit shifter
RISC-like register and instruction model for ease of
programming and compiler-friendly support
Advanced debug, trace, and performance monitoring
Accepts a wide range of supply voltages for internal and I/O
operations. See Specifications on Page 28
Programmable on-chip voltage regulator (ADSP-BF523/
ADSP-BF525/ADSP-BF527 processors only)
Qualified for Automotive Applications. See Automotive
Products on Page 87
289-ball and 208-ball CSP_BGA packages
132K bytes of on-chip memory (See Table 1 on Page 3 for L1
and L3 memory size details)
External memory controller with glueless support for SDRAM
and asynchronous 8-bit and 16-bit memories
Flexible booting options from external flash, SPI, and TWI
memory or from host devices including SPI, TWI, and UART
Code security with Lockbox Secure Technology
one-time-programmable (OTP) memory
Memory management unit providing memory protection
Because of wholesale price is different from sample price, our website cannot state. Please contact us online. As well as welcome you call us : 0755-83957301.We will offer a right price; Sometimes manufacturer's price is unstable, so we don't adjust price in time. if you feel price is a little high for you, just feel free to contact us for consultation. Thank you for your support !