由于客户采购批量与样品的价格不同,网上无法统一注明,请您把采购型号通过邮件或客服QQ:2850151585 发给我们,也可以拨打明佳达国内销售部电话:0755-83957301,由客服人员为您报价;有时元件厂商价格稍许变动,本公司未能及时调整,如您觉得售价稍高,请与我们说明并适当议价;感谢支持.
Doubles or Splits Input Supply Voltage
SOT23-6 Package
12Ω Typical Output Impedance
90% Typical Conversion Efficiency at 40 mA
1µA Typical Shutdown Current
Cellular Phones
Operational Amplifier Power Suppliers
Interface Power Suppliers
Handheld Instruments
Because of wholesale price is different from sample price, our website cannot state. Please contact us online. As well as welcome you call us : 0755-83957301.We will offer a right price; Sometimes manufacturer's price is unstable, so we don't adjust price in time. if you feel price is a little high for you, just feel free to contact us for consultation. Thank you for your support !