RS232/EIA562/RS485 Transceivers
LTC1321: 2-EIA562/RS232 Transceivers/2-RS485
LTC1322: 4-EIA562/RS232 Transceivers/2-RS485
LTC1335: 4-EIA562 Transceivers/2-RS485
Transceivers with OE
LTC1321/LTC1322 Have the Same Pinout as
LTC1335 Features Receiver Three-State Outputs
Low Supply Current: 1mA Typical
15µA Supply Current iShutdown
120kBaud iEIA/TIA-562 or RS232 Mode
10MBaud iRS485/RS422 Mode
Self-Testing Capability iLoopback Mode
Power-Up/DowGlitch-Free Outputs
Driver Maintains High Impedance iThree-State,
Shutdowor With Power Off
Thermal ShutdowProtection
I/O Lines CaWithstand ±25V
Withstands Repeated 10kV ESD Pulses
Because of wholesale price is different from sample price, our website can not state.Please send your required part number via email to or add our skype id mjdccm898 for online talking.As well as welcome you call us : 0755-83957301 We will send offer for you; Sometimes manufacturer's price is unstable, so we don't adjust price in time. if you feel price is a little high for you, just feel free to contact us for consultation. Thank you for your support !
批发与零售价位不同,无法一一明示,详情请通过邮件或客服咨询(国内销售部电话:0755-83957301,企业QQ2850151585), 由于电子元器件价格不稳定,时常有稍许变动,本公司未能及时调整,如您觉得售价不适,请与我们说明并适当议价,谢谢支持。