

型号 品牌 批号 封装 数量 备注 资料 询价
 STMP3563  SigmaTel  13+RoHS  BGA  89989  全新原装现货New and original in stock
 STMP3650  SigmaTel  13+RoHS  BGA  89989  全新原装现货New and original in stock
 STMP3650XXBBEA5N  SigmaTel  13+RoHS  BGA  89989  全新原装现货New and original in stock
 STMP3650XXBBEB1N  SigmaTel  13+RoHS  BGA  89989  全新原装现货New and original in stock
 STAC9708T  SIGMATEL  13+  TQFP48  26600  Original全新原装进口
 STIR4200S  SIGMATEL  13+RoHS  SSOP28  4566  原装现货100% new and original in stock
 SMP8673A00  SIGMA  17+ROHS  BGA  68000  New and original have in stock!
 ZM3102AU-CME1  SIGMADESI  14+RoHs  MODULE  68446  全新原装 Brand new in stock
 SMP8671A-CBE3  SIGMA  17+ROHS  BGA  15486  New and original have in stock!
 SMP8657  SIGMADESI  14+RoHS  BGA  56552  100%进口原装 New in stock
 SMP8634C  SIGMADESI  14+ROHS  BGA  24510  原装进口 New and original
 SMP8635LF  SIGMADESI  14+ROHS  BGA  56552  Original in stock 原装现货
 ZM3102AH  SIGMADESI  16+ROHS  MODULE  65259  100%原装进口(original in stock)
 SMP8652A-CBE3  SIGMA  17+ROSH  BGA  45210  全新原装New and original have in stock
 SMP8674A00  SIGMA  17+ROHS  BGA  3600  New and original have in stock!
 SMP8675A00  SIGMA  17+ROHS  BGA  6000  New and original have in stock!
 SMP8675B00  SIGMA  17+ROHS  BGA  100  New and original have in stock!
 SMP8675B80  SIGMA  17+ROHS  BGA  100  原装现货original spot stock
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