

型号 品牌 批号 封装 数量 备注 资料 询价
 MMBT3906LP-7  DIODES  17+  DFN  9900  原装现货original spot stock
 UJWIFI026  DIODES  18+  SMD  1147  原装现货original spot stock
 AP2204K-ADJTRG1  DIODES  1723+  SOT23  44874  原装现货original spot stock
 PI7C9X440SLBFDEX  DIODES  1806+  QFP  1100  原装现货original spot stock
 SBR3U30P1-7  DIODES  18+  SOD  54781  原装现货original spot stock
 AP2204K-3.3TRG1  DIODES  17+  SOT23  44800  原装现货original spot stock
 DS2501  DALLAS  20+  TO-92  22265  全新原装New and original have in stock
 B240Q-13-F  DIODES  1829+  SMB  2000  原装现货original spot stock
 TAKYON-Z425-ESC  DJI  16+  SMD  1920  原装现货original spot stock
 Z425-M  DJI  16+  SMD  1920  原装现货original spot stock
 BCX5210TA  DIODES  20+  SOT-89  12000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 AL5809-60P1-7  DIODES  20+  PowerDI-123  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 PI7C9X2G612GPCNJE  DIODES  20+  BGA  2290  全新原装New and original have in stock
 VORTEX86DX  DMP  20+  BGA  150  全新原装New and original have in stock
 AP22615AWU-7  DIODES  21+  SOT23-6  3000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 PI3DBS12212AXUAEX  DIODES  23+  QFN18  14000  全新原装New and original have in stock
 DGD05473FN-7  Diodes  23+  WFDFN10  12496  New and original(全新原装)
 DMT47M2SFVWQ  DIODES  23+  8-PowerVDFN  2000  New and original(全新原装)
 PSMUX136ZUAEX  DIODES  23+  10-UQFN  1200  全新原装New and original have in stock
 DMWS120H100SM4  DIODES  23+  TO-247-4  1000  全新原装New and original have in stock
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